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Facebook –

Business Considerations


Why use Facebook

Facebook can be utilized as a low-cost marketing strategy because the crucial expenditure is time. [8] A business that deploys its own social media can deliver a favourable return for the effort invested. The cost, or hourly rate of a firms own staff when compared to paid channels such as advertising via print or broadcasting media is significant. [6]

Facebook or Website?

Business’ would probably use both, however there is one essential difference. Facebook is an organic entity and as such you need to keep breathing life into it. If you don’t keep it alive i.e. current, then it’s simply a webpage. Whilst it is imperative that pages are refreshed often, content should always favour quality over quantity. As a general guide one to two posts per day are enough. [6]

A Facebook account used for business should stay brand or company focused. As a social media platform, strategic engagement with its audience is necessary to make it effective. Posts about staff, colleagues, occasions (Halloween etc.) or trending conversations should seek to impact with a positive, joyous or empathetic reaction.  A feel-good factor is essential to garner audience support but pushing the company image, service or products is essential for business success.

A Company website will have a homepage that delivers a business synopsis and consistent details such as phone numbers and email addresses. Usually there are visuals and a content section for internal pages. Contents might be a portfolio and testimonials. Frequently asked questions and the company’s terms, privacy statement.


Facebook ‘Likes’

Facebooks ‘Likes’ drive traffic.  ‘Likes’ and being ‘Shared’ affect SERP (Search Engine Results Rank). The more Likes means that you are visible on more users’ pages. More activity makes a business more likely to be found by a search engine.

Customers trust Facebook Likes (FBL’s). In a sea of information, recommendations and reviews, people rely on FBL’s to rationalise their decision-making process. [2]

“FBL is one of the most trusted and reliable social reference systems (SRSs) that represents the aggregated opinions of consumers”. [3] FBL’s are trusted because the “Liker” is invested. FBL’s are posted by people who are “signed-in” with Facebook accounts. As such they are identifiable and more probably reputable because “Likes” are endorsements. By contrast other forms of online review are generally regarded as persons unknown and less reliable. This scepticism is justified as it has been shown that “anonymity reduces individuals’ self-imposed behavioural constraints” [2]. This lack of transparency can permit behaviour that ranges from the extemporaneous to online “Flamers” (Someone who writes inflammatory messages online)


In it to Win it

Using Facebook effectively means being an active presence. “It’s not a set-it-and-forget-it type of social media channel.”[9] Engaging will require regular posts and participating in relevant groups i.e. if your business is selling work-wear then you might join groups for tradesmen. Following other business’, either potential customers or suppliers will stimulate reciprocal behaviour, “People read my content, because I demonstrably read theirs. Embrace social and use it as an integral part of your overall communications.” [1] Facebook is social media and the social element of business has always abetted harmonious dealings. The Good-will of a business is an intangible yet prized asset. Facebook provides a channel for any business to promote a positive image, cultivate respect and attain brand value. Whilst Facebook is a promotional device for a business’ services or products, it is also a mechanism to captivate loyalty and build alliances.  “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” [10]


Facebook Live

A live streaming service provided free by Facebook. Live video streaming is a way to literally put yourself in front of your customers, potential customers and your audience at large.

Livestreaming allows a company to build relationships by allowing themselves to be appraised and subconsciously approved. Livestreaming allows others to know you, your colleagues and your business. This mechanism provides an opportunity to make a positive impression and show a business as approachable.

A key reason for using Facebooks livestream service is that Facebook are actively prioritising and promoting this aspect of their service. The benefit of Livestreaming is that when a viewer has Liked your page, then your livestreams are given precedence to appear at the top of their feed.



Facebook allows potential candidates to checkout business’ for career opportunities. Some jobseekers may browse companies for posts that announce recruitment initiatives. Once a candidate has identified a position, they can use social media to research the firm for a sense of its structure, spirit and ethos. Companies can post recruitment notices on their page to attract speculators who might consider employment with an exciting or niche enterprise. Researchers have concluded that company posts on Facebook, especially those related to work or recruitment, “have a positive impact on recruitment success.” [7]


[1]        Thomas, Stefan, and Wiley. Instant Networking: The Simple Way to Build

Your Business Network and See Results in Just 6 Months, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016.

[2]        Kyunghee Lee, Byungtae Lee & Wonseok Oh (2015) Thumbs Up, Sales Up? The Contingent Effect of Facebook Likes on Sales Performance in Social Commerce, Journal of Management Information Systems, 32:4, 109-143, DOI: 10.1080/07421222.2015.1138372

[3]        Wagner, K. Your Facebook friends really do care what you think. Mashable, 2014. Cited by Kyunghee Lee, Byungtae Lee & Wonseok Oh (2015) 


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[7]        Golovko, D. Schumann, J. Influence of company Facebook activities on recruitment success. Elsevier Inc.2019

[8]        Benefits of Facebook for business | Business Queensland


            Accessed 28-2-20

[10]      Carnegie, D. How to Win Friends and Influence People. 1936


FIG. 1    Facebook Stats -

FIG. 2    Advertising Stats - 

FIG. 3   Reviews Stats -

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FIG. 1

FIG. 2

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FIG. 3

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